
Oil Paintings and Fine Art Gicleés

Oil paintings that are available for sale are shown as available in the gallery. You can commission an oil painting of anything you wish.  Call 1.754.1278 for information and pricing.

All prints are created from Feldmesser’s original oil paintings. Click on any image to view it larger. Prints can be purchased either on Hahnemuhle German Etching Paper or on Fine Art Canvas. Prints are available in different sizes.  All are signed and numbered limited editions of 250 except for the smallest-sized matted prints. These are all signed open editions and are shipped matted and ready to be placed in a standard-sized frame. The canvas gicleé prints are Gallery Wrapped, where the canvas is wrapped around the sides of the stretcher frame and are printed in a coordinating color to the print. Contact Alan if you are interested in purchasing one of his available oil paintings, if  you want to commission a painting, or if you have any questions about his work, at this toll-free number: 1.754.200.1art (1.754.200.1278). Thank you.


During this past show season, the artist, Alan Feldmesser, was approached by many customers to create shirts with his images. Here is his first collection of shirts. Click on each image to see the details. Look for more designs coming soon!


Now offering Smart Phonecases, Home Décor and greeting cards, amongst many other items, all embellished with Alan Feldmesser’s oil paintings.